Thursday, January 10, 2013

Postcard from San Francisco

I’m back after an extended holiday vacation…but, at the same time, I am not back. Let me explain:

I had a great Christmas in Yuma with my son and his new extended family. Eric gave me a new iPhone 5 which I love. Still learning about what it can do. He also gave me a Blue-Ray player for my new high definition TV (my Christmas gift to myself). But, more than all that, we all had a great time together for the first time.  

After returning to Tucson for a few days, I took off again…this time for Walnut Creek in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am house sitting (and dog sitting) for my friends the Millers while they enjoy a month in Hawaii. Even though it is cold here, it is also cold in Tucson, so I have not given up much, weather-wise. I love the Bay Area, as I’ve mentioned here before…and so far, so good.

It is difficult, but not impossible, to keep up my blogs while on the road. With that said, I will only be doing one Postcard blog a week until I get back to Tucson. I hope that is OK.

Today’s photo shows another one of those great buildings in San Francisco. It does not have a name, at least that I can find. It is down in the Embarcadero District on California Street. I titled the photo, “Little Building in a Big City,” an apt description as you can see from the surrounding buildings.

The Embarcadero District, located down by the Ferry Building on the wharf has changed a lot since I was a young man living in the Bay Area. Lots of new buildings, mostly tall as it is part of the financial district. So some big name companies are headquartered here.

For me, that means a lot of fun exploring architectural art forms with my camera…hence this photo and others you have seen in the past. I have more which I will share over time in the future.

So far, I have not made it yet over to The City yet. It’s too cold and wet for this newly annointed son-of-the-desert. But I will soon. I did a lot of exploring with my camera when I was last here in July. For now I ‘ve been settling in with my new duties and getting used to the weather. I also plan to experiment with my new iPhone camera, supposedly the best smart phone camera today. We shall see.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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1 comment:

Paula Miller said...

Boy, am I glad you are out of the desert brother Jim! Hawaii is wonderful and even more so knowing that the pups and house are being well cared for!!!