Monday, December 17, 2012

Postcard from Chicago

In case you don’t recognize this interesting reflective sculpture, it is, “The Bean.” Located in Millennium Park, on Michigan Ave. in downtown Chicago, it is a major tourist attraction. You can’t tell from this photo, but it is shaped like a bean…hence the name.

So, if it is a reflecting sculpture (meaning it’s a curved mirror), why can’t you see me taking this photo? Actually, I am in the picture…you just can’t see me. No, it is not a trick of Photoshop…I am there. Way, way off in the distance, and I mean way off, is a bridge with a balustrade just like the one in the lower art of the photo. Wait…it is the same one as in the lower part of the picture. It just appears to be way off in the distance.

The explanation is simple. The Bean is like a wide angle lens, similar to a so called fish-eye lens…so everything appears farther off than it is. And I used a longer lens to close the distance between me and the Bean. It’s like a double lens trick with not real trick involved. I got lucky with the bird.

Trust me…just go to Chicago and see for yourself.

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

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