Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Postcard from Monterey

The Monterey Bay Aquarium is a great place to visit and enjoy the world of undersea life. Of course, I go mainly to photograph the undersea life, especially colorful ones like this reef.

The difficulty is finding displays with good lighting…most don’t have it. Now my Nikon has anti-shake so I can deal with long exposures. But those damned fish keep moving, ruining my long exposures. Still, about 20% of the photos I took that day turned out OK.

I love photographing the colorful reef exhibits like the one you see here. As you may have guessed from my photos, I love colorful locations. I just wish they would train the fish to stop moving when someone raises their camera. Maybe threaten them with a one-way trip to Bubba Gump's Seafood Joint.

I mentioned in another post that my favorite part of this living museum was the Jellyfish section, called “The Jellies Experience.” One can sit there for hours and watch their slow deliberate movements. So relaxing. These babies can move all they want, they are so graceful and slow. I must be getting old.

One of the benefits for Monterey Bay Aquarium is where it sits. The aptly named Monterey Canyon, one of the the largest deep underwater canyons in the world, begins just up a couple miles from the Aquarium, right off of Moss Landing.  It drops of rapidly from the shoreline, reaching a maximum depth of over 2 miles, although most of it averages about a mile underwater…about the same depth as the Grand Canyon (if it were submerged).

This allows scientists to explore a deep ocean canyon without have to travel. Some of their discoveries are on display in the Aquarium.

And if all that fish makes you hungry, the Aquarium is located at the west end of Cannery Row…plenty of seafood restaurants there, including the aforementioned Bubba Gump’s. Thank God I hate seafood. I would rather shoot them than eat them.

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