Monday, September 24, 2012

Postcard from Chicago

It’s just art. I liked the symmetry. Art can be found all around you. Just look. Andy Warhol painted a soup can, for God’s sake!. Me, I photographed Gatorade.

Maybe the only other people that appreciated these cups were the thousands of runners in the Chicago Marathon. This table of Gatorade was at mile marker 16 of the marathon, so you know it looked awful good to those folks after all they went through to get to this point…and only 8 more miles to go.

I can’t even conceive the thrill of running a marathon…or even running around the block. When I played football and was in the best shape of my life, I hated running those damn 40 yard wind sprints. About killed me!  

And you know what 99.99% of the runners get for their efforts? A little medal they hang around their neck that says they finished. Or was it a t-shirt? I forget. Well, bless them anyway for their efforts. I am glad it makes them happy. But, I still don’t get it.

I must say it was fun to watch, to photograph, and to participate. I got to hand out sponges soaked in water to the runners as they came by my post. Now, that was rewarding, although I was tempted to pull my hand back as a runner reached for it. But, I didn’t. Even at my age, there is still a bit of the mischievous little devil in me.

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