Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Postcard from Tucson–Mission at Sunset


(Note: computer and monitor issues prevented me from doing any Postcard blogs for the last week. But all is right again in that area and you will being seeing this blog again on a more regular basis.  Thanks for your support and patience – JRC)

Its been a while since I’ve shared any pictures from Mission San Xavier del Bac. To refresh your memory, this lovely old mission church (and school) lies just south of Tucson…in fact, only a few miles from my home.  On this particular day, we had some amazing clouds in the skies and it turned out to be a fantastic night for shooting sunset shots.

While this image is not a picture of the church itself, the San Xavier Mission was founded as a Catholic mission by Father Eusebio Kino in 1692. Construction of the current church began in 1783 and was completed in 1797. It is the oldest intact European structure in Arizona.

On my last visit, the church’s west tower was under renovation and was surrounded by scaffolding. That is gone now and I look forward to going back to photograph again…when the skies are just right, of course.

In my next blog, I will show you an even older mission church that is not quite in as good of shape.

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