Thursday, January 06, 2011

Postcard from the Olympic Rainforest

Yes, this is a simple photograph, no great sweeping vistas or raging rivers, or even spectacular sunsets. Just a photo of a small piece of nature along a trail in the Olympic National Park rainforest on the west side of the park. It was a trail, deep in the park, that led to a lake, whose name I forget.olympic_coast_trail

I never did get to the lake as I was stopped by large pools of water along the trail. I was able to traverse a few of them, but not the big one about 1/2 mile from the lake.

I took a few pictures along the way, scenes similar to this. These photos attempt to convey a peacefulness and solitude that can be found in places like this…a quiet rainforest where you can only hear the wind rustling through the trees and a few birds chirping their songs.

While photographers like Ansel Adams influence my works when doing grand vistas, its another photographer, the legendary late Elliot Porter who inspired me to look down and see the quiet little corners of nature to appreciate what they are. You might remember his name the next time you are in a bookstore or library and want to see some beautiful photos.

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