Friday, October 29, 2010

Postcard from the Cascades - Autumn

It was around 92 today here in Tucson. As usual, I was running around in shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. I took a short trip this week to spend time with my son and his wife in Yuma, where it was in the mid to high 80’s. Let’s face it, I live in a land where summer lasts 6 months and the rest of the year is like a warm Spring…Which of course explains the existence of snowbirds.autumn-4

Anyway, I was talking to a friend up in the Northwest where the temperature was in the low 50’s today and heading down…and I began to miss the beautiful autumns I experienced up there in the Cascade Mountains for so many Octobers. Thankfully I have many photos from those times, a few of which I have shared here from time to time.  Here is another.

Another friend of mine, who was born and raised in Maine, came through the Cascades one year to visit and he remarked that Maine had nothing on the Cascade Mountains. It is spectacularly beautiful…so I hope you forgive me if now and then I share a photo from that area.

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