Monday, August 11, 2008

Picture of the Day - Canoes

I photographed this image several years ago with my now ancient film camera using slide film. It was taken up in Canada on Kootenay Lake, near the cute little town of Kaslo. It was the colors of the canoes, of course, that grabbed my attention...and the fact they were lined up so perfectly on the beach.

Lines in photographs are an important element that can give your images depth and they lead your eye off into the distance. Lines are used as a basic element in all types of two dimensional art. Sometimes lines are very obvious and other times, like this image, they are more subtle. Examine some of your own favorite non-people photographs and try to identify the lines in the image. Better yet, look for useable lines in when you are out and about with your camera.

To see some good examples of how lines are used in photography, check out this Web site.

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