Saturday, January 15, 2005

New Painting - Along the East Road

I recently completed a new digital painting and have finally got around to putting it up on my web site. It is titled, "Along the East Road."

It is another of my experimentations with the Impressionist style. It is available only as an 18x24 canvas Giclee print at the present time. Giclee paper prints will follow shortly.

Several people, including my wife, have mistaken the location as being in Europe. My wife thought it was something I had done when we were in the Italian Alps in the area of the Swiss-French border. That areas is replete with towers and castles.

However, the tower in this painting is located just outside of Leavenworth, WA along East Leavenworth Road. During the art season when I was doing shows in Leavenworth, I used to drive by it several times a week on the way back to my lodgings . I had a feeling when autumn came that it would make a spectacular image, if properly composed. I think I was right.

I am enjoying my experiments with Impressionism, although I am still creating works using my usual style, as you will see shortly. You may also see some other paintings done from views along the East Leavenworth Road.

I welcome any comments, as usual.

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