Sometimes the emphasis of this blog is about one of my photographs and sometimes its about the place in the photo. Mostly, its about me sharing my photos with you and weaving an interesting tale worth reading. I think I am a pretty good photographer and artist…and writer. I certainly have been to many places in the world and have interesting stories to share. I probably have more stories to share that don’t have corresponding photos. That is because all of my photos prior to 1992 are gone. All my European photos prior to that date are gone. My journey around the islands of the South Pacific and the Caribbean are gone. It’s a sad story not worth telling.
But back to today’s photo. I love to experiment with photos I’ve taken along the journey of life. Way back in the 90’s, I got tired of ordinary photos, no matter how good they were. That is when I first started digitally painting and sketching photos. My work became good enough that it sold at art shows, hung in prestigious galleries and in homes around the world. I am humbled by my experiences and the fact that people would pay good money for my work.
If you follow this blog regularly or see my work on Flickr, you have seen some of the results of my experiments. This photo is another experiment in digital photo manipulation using a new software I recently picked up. It is amazing the number of software products one can find today for this kind of work. That was not true when I first started creating digital paintings and sketches from my original photos. I had to experiment long and hard to come up with interesting images. I think I was a pioneer in this field. That makes me feel good.
This photo, originally taken at sunrise from my campsite in the Arches National Park is quite lovely without any enhancements. But, like so much of my work, I experimented with the photo and came up with this beauty. I liked it immediately. You would be surprised at the number of images I experiment with that you never see because they are not up to my standards.
What makes this work is the array of sunrise colors behind the leafless tree that are woven into a new image using the existing forms. For me, my art will always be about beauty, even in abstract form. I hope you find it interesting.
(To see a larger version of this image, just click on it)
To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,…or visit my Flickr Page
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