Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Postcard from Tucson


The Fortunes of Flowers

Thou flourish in beauty
Thus vast in prettiness like paradise
Colourful as rainbow brilliant like sun's face.
Thus an illusion to doubt facts of your fortune
I visit you often, last visitation was keen amazement to my satisfaction, hand cut ye attribute and derieved fun in fair act to a friend.
Calm and captivating your fregrance comforting with pleasure, nice to sense.
In anxiety your awareness came dearest solace to me
I can make joy as soon at your sight.
My desire i travel to your world
A garden with so a golden value thus your abode
Irresistible that butterflies source you an abode
But remember to make joy time-wise to hearts of all who are facinate by your beauty.
Oh! Flower satisfy my optic desire with in.sight
Oh! Flower sing!
Oh! Flower dance!
Oh! Flower decorate my domestic
Oh! Flower be my love one's admirable gift
Oh! Flower establish your self a home to smile evergreen
Thenceforth i can walk in and out and wave a goodbye at day down.

Poem by Barnabas Michael Barde

(To see a larger version of this image, just click on it)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,…or visit my Flickr Page

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