Monday, July 29, 2013

Postcard from Tucson

Back in my college days, as a homework assignment, I was instructed to just go outside my front door and start taking pictures. Over the years, I have done that more than once…including this photo. I literally opened my front door, looked down, and shot this photo.

A little background: on this day, my new Sony NEX-6 camera arrived via UPS. As I unboxed it, and, of course, I wanted to start shooting immediately. But, the battery needed charging and I needed to learn just a little more about the camera.

Finally there was enough of a charge on the battery and I had enough knowledge just to be dangerous. So, it was time to step outside and start taking some experiment shots. But, just as I got the camera ready to go, one of our almost daily monsoon storms arrived. I wasn’t going anywhere as it was pouring rain. But I did stand under the porch overhead and take a couple of quick shots to make sure the camera worked.

Then I looked down and saw the landscaping rocks were soaking wet, and they were giving off great color, like never before. That is something most rocks of color do when they get wet, with a little help from some great light. So I just pointed the camera down, and took a couple of shots.

A little post processing in Lightroom and Photoshop, and here is the result. So maybe I boosted the colors a little, but that is the fun of making one’s own photos. So let that be a lesson to you all…just step outside and look down. You might get lucky.

PS: The sun is currently shining and these rocks are just plain ugly right now. But wait…more rain is in the forecast for later. Grab your camera and come on down!

(To see a larger version of this photo, just click on the image)

To see more of my work, both in photography and digital painting, please visit my website,

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