Thursday, December 03, 2009

Postcard from Utah – More Photos from Long Canyon

I had some nice comments from readers who enjoyed my photos of Long Canyon, so I decided to share a few more. These show you the diversity of rock formations in the canyon, many of which make for interesting photos.

Photo #1 shows one of several large “swiss cheese” rocks, named after the many holes that have formed from water and wind. These rocks are plentiful in the first part of the canyon. This deep red rock is called “Wingate” sandstone.

Photo #2 is of a side canyon that comes off of the main canyon. There are several of these along the seven mile length of the canyon.

Photo #3 is one of the many large alcoves that have formed over time throughout all of Southern Utah. They are quite plentiful in Zion National Park, but there were only a few of them in Long Canyon. This one, I thought, was quite spectacular.

In my next blog, I will return to Highway 12 and climb high up into the mountains, then descend into into Torrey, UT, where the highway ends. Stay tuned.

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