Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Postcard from Bisbee – A New Painting

The digital paintbrush is back in my hand and I’ve produced a new painting I want to share with you. It is just a simple image from downtown Bisbee, AZ, but I like it very much. I hope you do to.

It has been a while since I sat down and did an entire image from scratch. For this painting, I used Painter X almost exclusively, with a little Photoshop thrown in at the beginning and end to polish it off properly.

When I stopped painting a couple of years ago, I was beginning to get into an “Impressionist” mode for some of my new works. As you can see, I continued that mode here. Not all my paintings will be in that style. But this one fit just perfectly, or so I think.

For instance, the old truck painting I showed you a few days ago would not fit into this style (I know, I tried and in a very short while knew I didn’t like it). But where it fits, I will use it.

Thanks for letting me share this first humble effort with you. I hope my work will get better and better. Sorry the image is so small, but that is the biggest that Blogger will let me do. Click on the image and you will see a larger version.

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