Monday, December 06, 2004

Quality Photographs for your Viewing Pleasure

My artistic background began in college when I studied photography. I became an instant convert to both the artistic and technical side of this media. So, one of my favorite things to do when I have some free time on my hands (or even when I don't) is to head for my favorite photographic web site and scan the latest high quality submissions.

The website is called and has been around for years. If you involved in photography, you either already know about it, or you should. There is so much good information here that it boggles the mind. You can spend a lot of time learning about this fascinating craft.

But, for this blog, I want to focus on the portion of site they call "Photo Critique." On the opening page, in the center section very near the top of the web page, you will see it listed. The two top listings are, "Top Rated Photos" and "Rate Recent Photos." Mostly I just peruse the "Top Rated Photos," as these are works that have already be judged by many participants and have received the highest marks. So many of them are just absolutely stunning.

There are usually 12 photos per page, but there are several hundred available at any one time. If you find one you like, you can click on it and get a larger version of it on your screen. From that point, you can add your own comments or check out more works by this same artist.

If you feel like it, you can join (it's free), then start rating other people's submissions under the "Rate Recent Photos" listing. I have done this occasionally and found it fun, although I did once get a nasty e-mail from one photographer whose work I rated rather low. After she lambasted me for my comments and dared me to show her some of mine, I directed her to my web site and to my article on "The Two Views of Art."

Irregardless, I love to go to this web site when possible to see what other artists are doing. The web site is at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said... is also a great, great site for photography.